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How to Lose Up To 5 Inches in One Month Using Waist Trainers

The fat around your waist is one of the most difficult to lose. It affects your health, your dress size, and even how a dress looks on you. But, thanks to waist trainers, you can lose up to 5 inches in just one month. 

How? You ask. Well, read on to find out what’s a waist trainer, how it works, and how you can use it to get that hourglass figure in only a month.

What’s a waist trainer, and how does it work?

A waist trainer is a high-compression body shaping undergarment that you wear around your midsection to give a sleeker, smaller waistline instantly. The trainer is usually cinched up with laces, hooks, or Velcro to help you adjust the size progressively.

Waist trainers work by stimulating heat in your body, making you sweat around your mid-section, expelling water, and losing weight. This is especially useful during workouts because it helps boost your workout intensity. The recommended exercise to be performed wearing a waist trainer is aerobics, Pilates and CrossFit.

By wearing a waist trainer, your clothes can fit you better, you can have a better posture, and your self-esteem can improve.  

How do you lose up to 5 inches in one month using a waist trainer?

As much as you might like to jump right in and begin wearing a waist trainer 24/7, that’s not advisable. Just like new shoes, you need to break in a waist trainer. Your body has to adjust slowly to the compression that is being applied in the midsection. This is normally the first 1 to 3 days. 

In the first week, wear your waist trainer for only two to four hours, and not more than five days in a week. When you are wearing the waist trainer, you’ll notice that you will instantly drop 1 to 3 inches. Not bad, right?

During the second and third weeks, start increasing the time of wearing the waist trainer. Add 2 to 3 hours of your waist training regimen every day until you can comfortably wear it all through the day. Experts recommend a minimum of seven hours each day. As your waist starts to narrow down, you will feel that the trainer not as tight as before. Adjust it accordingly to fit your narrowing waistline. 

By the fourth week, you should be able to wear your trainer for as long as 8 to 10 hours every day.

While progress might be different from one individual to another, depending on the body shape, you can drop off the initial 2 to 4 inches, and it usually takes 1-2 months to shed off 4 to 5 inches of your waist when you are using waist trainers alone.

To fast-track the progress and lose up to 5 inches in one month, you need to be consistent in your waist training, drink lots of water, eat well, and exercise regularly.

Keep track of your waist training progress

Remember to take pictures and waist measurements weekly to track your progress. Also, note that since you will be wearing your waist trainer daily, it is best to have two that you can rotate through your closet. This is to ensure that you have a fresh one to wear for different kinds of activity.  




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1 comment

  • Wow😍 your advice is so real. I can’t wait to start my journey on this. Thanks 👍

    Lucy on

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